a space to truly hold on to our thoughts

Thursday, May 28, 2009


The other day I had taken the subway close to the end of work hours, it was rush hour, the train pulled up at the 33rd St. station and in a split second I was surrounded by 'robot' like humans, their eyes glued to their 'Blackberry'. Every few seconds, they looked down upon it, as if, by checking it that frequently, messages would suddenly appear by magic.
Right at that moment, my mind travelled into the future, filled up with images of gadget touting, headphone wearing people going about their business without a single spoken word...scary!
I wondered, was the art of conversation dying??

'Staying Connected' started with e-mail, moved on to 'chat',video chat,blogs and then a whole host of revolutionary sites like the Youtube,Facebook,Myspace came up, the most recent one being Twitter.

It's all great, but somehow I get the feeling that as we engage via these means, we are yet so disconnected from each other. Don't all of us at some point or the other resort to sending an e-mail, rather than picking up the phone or meeting up? It's so much more uncomplicated when there's no one to answer you back in real-time. Each one of us is retreating into a bubble, enslaved by gadgets and cutting edge technology.

Let technology be a means to an end.
The next time you're on your computer/blackberry/iphone, take a moment to talk, to hug, to smile, to 'connect'.

1 comment:

  1. That's so true!! It's almost come to a stage that people think if you don't have an email id or chat, you almost don't exist. They look at you like you are some extinct species or sorts.
